
Live Performance Dashboard: Jmeter-Grafana-influxdb in windows 8x64

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  1. Hi Shantonu, I have configured as per the instruction. However not getting the desired graphs. when doing the show measurements jmeter.D.a.count details are not coming up. Only jmeter.all.a.count details are there. Also in grafana when trying to add any graphs getting influxDB error. data is null. Could you please update. Thank you very much.

    1. As you are getting results, that means your configuration is okay. So, two things can be happen
      1. Jmeter is not sending (check Jmeter following this http://shantonusarker.blogspot.com/2016/02/jmeter-grafana-influxdb-monitoring.html)
      2.You could not configure Grafana dashboard graphs with queries.

      Jmeter by default provide these graphs , see xml configurations(http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/realtime-results.html) You should be able to see those if jmeter sends perfectly to influxdb.
      And, check backend listner configuration spatially.

    2. Thank you Shantonu. It was indeed the issue with configuration. If we want to send multiple request, is it like we have to provide the sampler list in backend listener for all the sampler? what is difference between d.count and all.count.

    3. Thanks God..

      from my example, D is a name of http request, if you have multiple requests, just list in samplerLists

      d.count is count of single request, all refers to all request listed in samplerLists.

  2. Hi Shontonu.. I was trying to install influxdb for 32 bit system but failed to do so..can u suggest on the same.

    1. Usually steps & configuration are same. Message me your errors, so that I can reply specifically.

  3. Hi Shantonu. I followed the steps. When I running the same influxdb.config file from my PC I could see 3 databases(internal,jmeter and grafana) in show databases for influxdb. But from my office PC I could see only 2 databases(internal, jmeter). Could you please suggest why it is happening?

    1. there should be only 2, internal & jmeter (with graphite plugin). I have not declared any DB named grafana.

      check in log, while making influxdb. send here/mail.

  4. Hello Santonu,i am getting time out error (please see my Jmeter logs),InfulxDB ,Jmeter running on same machine,please advice me any suggestions

    2016/11/08 13:28:52 ERROR - jmeter.visualizers.backend.graphite.TextGraphiteMetricsSender: Error writing to Graphite:connect timed out
    2016/11/08 13:28:53 ERROR - jmeter.visualizers.backend.graphite.TextGraphiteMetricsSender: Error writing to Graphite:Connection refused: connect
    2016/11/08 13:28:54 ERROR - jmeter.visualizers.backend.graphite.TextGraphiteMetricsSender: Error writing to Graphite:connect timed out
    2016/11/08 13:28:55 ERROR - jmeter.visualizers.backend.graphite.TextGraphiteMetricsSender: Error writing to Graphite:connect timed out

    1. error says, jmeter cant connect to influx db graphite plugin,

    2. check firewall or authentication related items

    3. Hi Shantonu, can you please elaborate more on this issue resolution.. I am also getting same issue...

    4. these are firewall/connection issues. you need to add port to firewall for sending data.

  5. Hello Shantonu,

    I am trying to implement Grafana real time in windows platform. Currently I am able to capture the jmeter run data into Influxdb. I have also configured the Influxdb data source in Grafana and post I am getting message "Success Data source is working", but I am not able to read Influxdb data into Grafana. While configuring individual graph, the 'Jmeter' measurements data is not populating in the query section.

    Seems like I am missing some configuration in windows .ini file, Please can someone help me with this.

    Please let me know if you need more info.

  6. Hello Shantonu,

    I am trying to implement Grafana real time in windows platform. Currently I am able to capture the jmeter run data into Influxdb. I have also configured the Influxdb data source in Grafana and post I am getting message "Success Data source is working", but I am not able to read Influxdb data into Grafana. While configuring individual graph, the 'Jmeter' measurements data is not populating in the query section.

    Seems like I am missing some configuration in windows .ini file, Please can someone help me with this.

    Please let me know if you need more info.

    1. i think you may have missed the grafana config of graphite plugins. mail me for clear details of both configs .

  7. Hi shantonu

    i am unable to download influx db from above link(
    Download Influxdb from this link (nightly build, updated up to now). It is standalone zip. If you extract, you will see something like this.(i renamed in to influxdb-0.11.0)

    getting below Error
    The specified key does not exist.

    Could you please look in to this and suggest


  8. hi shantonu

    above link is not working (Download Influxdb from this link (nightly build, updated up to now). It is standalone zip. If you extract, you will see something like this.(i renamed in to influxdb-0.11.0))

    Getting below Error

    The specified key does not exist.


    if we download influx db
    it doesn't have bin and exe folders

    could you please check this


    1. influx links changed and link wont be working ..
