In this article we are going to see how to connect to Ubuntu Desktop (server/workstation) Remotely.
Why this is necessary? It is spatially needed for a novice Linux command known person like me to manage the Ubuntu remotely. I found that very useful for me, so I though I should share.
Unlike windows user, Ubuntu do not have any RDP build in. In windows, we have build in RDP server that allows us connect via any RDP client(from Linux/windows). So, step 1 Should be installing RDP server so that we can connect. But, unlike windows, Ubuntu need separate protocol to share its desktop(x11 based). In this case we need VNC protocol. So, our Idea is, we will install VNC server in Ubuntu and , VNC viewer in the PC from where we will access that.
Note : We have to remind that we need GUI based Ubuntu to share it's desktop.
Installing VNC server in Ubuntu and start it:
1. Open software center ,search X11VNC Server and install it (provide admin password)
[ For Command line install, open terminal and run
sudo apt-get install x11vnc ]

2. Open installed X11VNC Server , you will get a port selection window. Select a port( i have selected 5900) . Select TightVNC as file transfer(you can choose any, I have choose that). click OK.

3. Now you will see, X11VNC properties window , check Accept connection(must) and other option if you need. (you should skip selecting ask confirmation) . Provide password and viewOnly Password . Now, Click APPLY and click OK.

Installing VNC viewer in client PC :
In windows: I use Real VNC viewer. Download and install this from here
In Ubuntu :See the image from VNC server installation. You can use any one viewer.
Connect to Server :
1. Open VNC viewer
2. Insert IP address with port (IP:PORT) and click connect

3. Provide password that you gave previously. This password will define connected desktop facility (viewOnly password have lower permissions)
4. Press OK and you will be connected.

Note: You might need to press okay/proceed for warning messages
Why this is necessary? It is spatially needed for a novice Linux command known person like me to manage the Ubuntu remotely. I found that very useful for me, so I though I should share.
Unlike windows user, Ubuntu do not have any RDP build in. In windows, we have build in RDP server that allows us connect via any RDP client(from Linux/windows). So, step 1 Should be installing RDP server so that we can connect. But, unlike windows, Ubuntu need separate protocol to share its desktop(x11 based). In this case we need VNC protocol. So, our Idea is, we will install VNC server in Ubuntu and , VNC viewer in the PC from where we will access that.
Note : We have to remind that we need GUI based Ubuntu to share it's desktop.
Installing VNC server in Ubuntu and start it:
1. Open software center ,search X11VNC Server and install it (provide admin password)
[ For Command line install, open terminal and run
sudo apt-get install x11vnc ]
2. Open installed X11VNC Server , you will get a port selection window. Select a port( i have selected 5900) . Select TightVNC as file transfer(you can choose any, I have choose that). click OK.
3. Now you will see, X11VNC properties window , check Accept connection(must) and other option if you need. (you should skip selecting ask confirmation) . Provide password and viewOnly Password . Now, Click APPLY and click OK.
Installing VNC viewer in client PC :
In windows: I use Real VNC viewer. Download and install this from here
In Ubuntu :See the image from VNC server installation. You can use any one viewer.
Connect to Server :
1. Open VNC viewer
2. Insert IP address with port (IP:PORT) and click connect
3. Provide password that you gave previously. This password will define connected desktop facility (viewOnly password have lower permissions)
4. Press OK and you will be connected.
Note: You might need to press okay/proceed for warning messages