
Introduction to codeception(Acceptance,Functional,Unit) tests.

In this article we are going to learn about Codeception Tests. What is Codeception test? How it works?

What is Codeception?
Codeception is full test framework for TDD and BDD styled test cases. That means we can write both traditional Unit Test formatted test as well as Behavior Driven Development formatted tests.
Codeception is build on PHP. So, we need to have PHP running in the PC as well as in the path. You may read these posts to install environments which is needed for codeception. 
Codeception contains mainly 3 suits.
1. Acceptance Test suite
2. Functional Test Suite
3. Unit Test Suite
We can add API test suits manually. So, codeception is complete testing framework. It has supports for different modules.. You can get detail module description from this link.
For different type of tests, codeception has different configurations you can get full configuration file lists from here.
How It works?
Codeception is build on
a. PHPUnit
b. Yii
c. Mink
d. Bahat
and several other modules as utilities..
Codeception (the BDD style) works like as user prospective Guy Format. Guy format refers to BDD style code. In Codeception there are mainly 3 type of Guy. WebGuy, TestGuy and CodeGuy. We can have another guy, named APIGuy. When we create a test case, we create a new guy object(of the guy class). The webguy responsible for acceptance test, testGuy for functional tests , codeGuy for unit tests and the apiGuy for API tests. Example : for webguy (I have used a free site from another blog and hosted locally, the site has a text box and a button, what ever we insert in the text box, when we click the button the site converts the input text into upper case letter. )
   1:  <?php
   2:  $I= new WebGuy($scenario);
   3:  $I->wantTo("TestMyFirstApp");
   4:  $I->amOnPage('toupper.html');
   5:  $I->see('Convert Me!');
   6:  $I->fillField('string','ShantonuSarker');
   7:  $I->click('Convert');
   8:  $I->amOnPage('toupper.php');
   9:  $I->see('To Upper!');
  10:  #$I->see('String converted: SHANTONUSARKER');
  11:  $I->click('Back to form');
  12:  $I->see('Convert Me!');
  13:  $I->fillField('string','');
  14:  $I->click('Convert');
  15:  $I->amOnPage('toupper.php');
  16:  $I->see('To Upper!');
  17:  $I->see('No string entered');
  18:  $I->reloadPage(); 

When we write tests in CEPT format(BDD Style), It actually compiled two times before execution. That means, first it will compiled with depended modules and again compiled during execution. So, if we write our custom functions in test case files, it will be run twice, so, it is not proper to write custom functions in the test case. Codeception has separate way to write custom module. Like as other module, we have to write our custom module and include in configuration file to enable that. Then if we build, it will accessible from our Test Files with Guy Class. 

There is another format named as CEST format which is actually PHPUnit format(where we have before and after function).


It is woks like PHPUnit. See my other posts describing CEST & CEPT format test cases.

We can run codeception acceptance tests in JS free PhpBrowser or with Selenium Server(any browser supported with selenium server). For functional test, phpbrowser is good. And for other test, we might not need any browser(as they are code level tests)

There are some basic rules for using codeception. Usually codeception tests are run along with main code base of the project that we need to work on.  This is because of dependency. That means, if codeception tests have dependency on the modules used in main code base, we have to use the tests with code. If not, we can have separate codebase. Usually, functional tests , unit tests and api tests are depend on main code base. So, when we are writing those we need to have code base . And we run the test in same server where our code in running. But , acceptance tests suite can be run independently even with a real browser. That means, if we do not have codebase of main project, we can still make test cases for that site and run. So, we can say like that
Acceptance Suites = Can run the test Externally(can be run from outside of the codebase)
Unit/Functional Suites = Should be run internally (with source code)

You may see codeception supporting modules where we can write tests from this post. We can write test for those modules.

Note ; Now a days, selenium IDE has a plug-in for Codeception Formatter which recode and convert tests in codeception format.


How to Configure Codeception?

In this article we are going to see how can we configure codeception for different configurations.

As we know, codeception has different modules (you can know more detail from this post) and we can basically have three main suits if we initiate test cases(see this post to know how to initiate test cases)
If we initiate the full test suite we might see these three YML file for configurations.

A. codeception.yml : This is a global configuration container written in simple markup language. It contains
->All test settings and configurations
->Central DB configurations
->Bootstrap settings and result view configurations.
->Global Module Configurations.

Here is the default configuration which created while first test suits are created.

B. acceptance.suite.yml : In the tests folder , we will get this configuration YML file for acceptance test. In here, we see configuration specific for acceptance test suites. We get
-> The enabled Guy class name (webGuy)
-> The enabled modules and module related configurations
->Custom Module names(which we create for acceptance suits)

A default acceptance.suite.yml is

C. functional.suites.yml : In the tests folder , we will get this configuration YML file for functional tests. In here, we see configuration specific for functional test suites. We get
-> The enabled Guy class name (TestGuy)
-> The enabled modules and module related configurations
->Custom Module names(which we create for acceptance suits)

A default functional.suite.yml is

D. unit.suites.yml : In the tests folder , we will get this configuration YML file for unit tests. In here, we see configuration specific for unit test suites. We get
-> The enabled Guy class name (CodeGuy)
-> The enabled modules and module related configurations
->Custom Module names(which we create for acceptance suits)

A default unit .suite.yml is

Note : You can see my this post for getting different settings for those configuration ymls.

Thanks ..:)

What are the modules in Codeception? Why we use those?

In this article we are going to see the all available modules of codeception and we will try to find out why we use which one.
As we know, codeception works in 3 ways(so 3 type test suites are there). I am adding modules under the suit category

1. Acceptance Test : Codeception test with browser. So, it works externally. We do not need application codebase to test that. All type of acceptance tests, user level functional test can be in this type. And available module 

A. WebDriver:  Previously it was Selenium and Selenium2. We need selenium selenium server and supported browsers. We can also add phantomJS browser in the server to run test. Note, we need to start the server before running tests.
B. PhpBrowser : Used in acceptance tests with non-javascript browser. One of the popular test browser in Codeception.
C. SOAP : For testing SOAP WSDL web services with PhpBrowser or Frameworks. It sends requests and check if response matches the pattern.
D: REST : To test REST WebService with PhpBrowser or Frameworks.
E: XMLRPC : For testing XMLRPC WebService with frameworks or PHPBrowser

2. Functional Test : Codeception test with command line frameworks. So, all functional and API tests are in this category. We need project code to test them.

A. Dbd: This replaced Db module (in functional and unit testing). It requires PDO instance to be set.
B. Laravel 4 : For writing functional tests for Laravel
C. Symfony1 : For working with Symfony 1.4 application. Doctrine and sfDoctrineGuardPlugin are used to Authorization features.
D. Symfony2 : Uses Symfony2 crawler and HttpKernel to emulate requests & get responses.
E. Yii1 : it provides integration with Yii framework. We need to install Codeception-Yii Bridge which have component wrappers.
F: Yii2: This module provides integration with Yii2 Framework.
G: ZF1 : To run tests inside Zend Framework. It is like ControllerTestCase with Codeception syntax.
H: ZF2 : This module allows you to run tests inside Zend Framework 2.
I : Silex : For testing Silex applications like you would regularly do with Silex\WebTestCase
J : Phalcon1 : This module provides integration with Phalcon framework (1.x) for testing.
K : Kohana : Used for integration with Kohana v3 functional tests.

3. Unit Test : Like as functional test, codeception run that internally with PHPUnit. So , we need code to test.
A: Dbh : (described in functional test)

4. API Test : For testing api with wither acceptance test or functional tests
A. Facebook : Provides testing for projects integrated with Facebook API

Independent Module : Some spatial modules can be used commonly or independently with any suit. 
A. AMQP : This module interacts with message broker software that implements the AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) standard. 
B. CLI : Which is a wrapper for basic shell command. 
C: Doctrine1 : Allows integration and testing for projects with Doctrine1.x ORM. 
D: Doctrine2 : Allows integration and testing for projects with Doctrine2 ORM. 
E: Db: This module works with SQL Database. 
F. Filesystem : Module for testing local file system. (extendable for FTP/Amazon s3, others ) 
G. MongoDb : Works on MongoDB database. In order to have your database populated with data you need a valid js file with data 
H. Redis : Works on Redis Database. 
I. Sequence : It works on data clean up. This is used for initiating data in database for testing and we can clean up. It has no effect on testing but have on initiating test data. 
J. Memcache : Connects to memcached to perform cleanup by flashing all values after each test run.
K : Asserts : A module for different assertions (validations)



How to Run Test in Codeception?

In this article we are going to see the Test running command. From my previous article we know about initiating test case. Now its time to run. I will write commands for running in different ways.

In command prompt (change directory to root of the project where we have the codeception.yml) write those (In all cases I have use 2 type commands , a codeception with phar , and codeception with composer)

1. Run All Tests :
A: php codecept.phar run
B: ./vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept run
2. Run Only a Particular Suit :
A: php codecept.phar run <suitName>
Example  : php codecept.phar run acceptance
B: ./vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept run <suitName>
3. Run Only a particular test file under a particular suit
A: php codecept.phar run <suitName> <testFileName>
Example : php codecept.phar run acceptance regWithEmailCept.php
B: ./vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept run <suitName>  <testFileName>

Options :
And Now, with Every Run Command We can use different options. Day by day, the number of options are getting increased. I am mentioning some necessary options that we may use.

1. To see test running step by step , we have to add –steps in the command . (I am giving example for only this option, others are similar to this.) , From previous example if we want to add the steps option, the command will be
php codecept.phar run acceptance regWithEmailCept.php –steps

2. To run tests with no stepping use --silent

3. To use custom path for configuration file (suite specific YMLs) . we need to add --config or –c , like
--config = “path to configuration yml”

4. To debug test and get scenario output we need to use –debug or –d

5. To run Tests in Groups, we need to add --group or –g , like
--group=”name of the group”

6. To run tests with skipping group use --sg or --skip-group=”group name to skip”

7. To run tests by skipping test suit use –skip or –s. (we need to mentioned suit name like as group)

8. To run tests with specific Environment use --env=”desire environment values ”

9. To keep the test running (no finish with exit code) we use --no-exit

10. To stop after first fail , we use –f or --fail-first

11. To display any custom help message use –h or --help=”our desired message”

12. To stop all message showing, –q or --quiet

13. To skip interactive questioning use --no-interaction or -n

Coverage Options :
1. Run with code coverage  use  --coverage
2. Generate CodeCoverage HTML /XML /text report (in path) use 

Report /output Options :
1. To show output in compact style use –report
2. Generate html/xml/Tap/json log use
3. To use/hide colors in output , use –colors or --no-colors
4. For Ansi or no ansi output use, -- ansi /--no-ansi
